Saturday, September 3, 2011

I won and a little update

I have just received in the mail today my lovely goodies that I won in the 'Blog Candy Giveaway' from The Scrapbook Garden on 1st September.  It was a really nice surprise to be the winner and creates such a nice feeling that sets you up for the rest of the day.  This is the link that shows the picture of the lovely things I have received.

Lottie enjoyed swooning over the goodies too when we opened the package today - I'm looking forward to putting them all to good use and will post the creations here when done.

A little update

I am busy with organising the lesson schedule for a creative afterschool club I run, which will be back on in 2 weeks and  most of the activities will need to be practised by me and Lottie so I can see whether they are viable in the amount of time I have to do it in a lesson - so there will be plenty of posts coming this way soon!

I have also started practising calligraphy again as I want to use this in lots of my forthcoming ideas and Lottie has expressed an interest in trying it.

I have a lovely idea for some Care Bear badges that I have had laying about for ages - I have drawn a sketch and worked out what I would like to achieve with them and I'm looking forward to the finished product - coming soon.

Both me and Lottie have started on Christmas (aaaargh!) we have been busy over the weekend with air dry clay and Lottie has made a lovely stocking out of material.  I will post pics soon.

So that's some of the things taking my time up and I am also busy getting organised to submit unit 1 of the Certificate in Papercraft Qualification too - so much to do, so little time, but oh so fun!

Live, Learn, Laugh and Be HAPPY x x


  1. Congrats on winning - lucky you! Can't wait to see the care bear project, loved them growing up!! x

  2. Thank you Twinkle Star :) I loved watching them too and I loved the ending music to the Care Bear movie 2.

  3. Hi Pamela - pleased you received your goddies ok - enjoy! Ann x
