Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lovely Award

Many, many thanks to Ann at The Scrapbook Garden for awarding me and Lottie this lovely award.  It really is lovely when you get awarded by fellow bloggers and it is really appreciated, THANK YOU x x


The Liebster Award is given to smaller bloggers who have 200 or less followers in the hope it will bring them new followers and friends.  The tradition is that it is then passed on to five other blogs to help them too.  If you want to accept the award the steps are:

  • 1.     Link back to the person’s blog who gave you the award and thank them.
  • 2.       Post the award on your blog.
  • 3.       Give the award to five fellow bloggers who inspire you.
  • 4.       Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know.

I have to now nominate five fellow bloggers who have inspired me and I would like to nominate these bloggers for a mixture of fantastic inspiration and great blogging.

  1. moonstruckcreations
  2. Pretty Petal Handmade
  3. Twinkles Tutorials & Twirls
  4. alizabethy
  5. Christmas Pie Crafts
I hope these five bloggers will accept their award and also forward it on to another five who deserve it too.

Live, Learn, Laugh and Be HAPPY x x


  1. Congrats on your award - totally well-deserved! Thank you so much for passing it on, really means a lot that you enjoy my crafty ramblings! Have a lovely weekend both! x

  2. Your most welcome, you have a fab blog x

  3. Well done Pamela and Lottie - a well deserved award for a great blog. I really enjoy reading it and looking forward to receiving your emails full of news.

    I am so pleased to accept the award and thank you both for your generosity. I will add the details to my Sunday evening post and know the 5 great bloggers I would like to join us.

    1. Likewise, Christmas Pie Crafts :) So glad you accepted the lovely award too x
